MoneyWorks Manual
Reporting Options
There are several options that apply to parts which involve some sort of range of accounts (e.g. account code, accounts of category, accounts of type). These determine how much information is printed for the part.

Summarise these accounts: Set this option if you want to pre-define a subsummary for this part. A subsummary attached to a part overrides any subsummary that may be applied globally.
Column Headings at Top: Automatically adds headings for the fields in the columns in this part above the first row of data. The text for these headings comes from the Heading field in the Column Settings for each column.
Column Headings After Page Breaks: If this is set, the column headings will be printed at the top of each new page (but after the running header), should the part encompass more than one page.

Totals at Bottom: Automatically adds totals for each of the columns of numeric data at the bottom of the part. The totals appear under a line.
When these options are checked, a line appears at the top of the part to indicate the presence of headings and at the base of the part to show that totals are on.
For ranges of accounts that have the Totals At Bottom option set, a Subsummary applied to the range will generate a grand total as well as subtotals for each breakdown level. The grand total will not have a caption.
If you want a captioned grand total, you should not use the Totals At Bottom option but should generate your own total using an accumulator. You can caption this in the usual way using a cell.
Summary Only: Prints only the totals for the range of accounts, not the individual accounts in the range.
Invisible: Suppresses printout of the part. This is useful if you want to accumulate data into an accumulator without it being printed—for example you may want a line in your report that reports on profit, without showing the actual income and expense lines.