
Other Financial Reports

A variety of other reports have been provided for you. Some of these come in several versions (Budget, Monthly, Yearly, 12 Months Actual, Fin Year Balances, Fin Year Budgets and Fin Year Movements). Each of these has the same format, but different column headings, so that information can be viewed in a consistent manner.

You can determine the information content of each report by its name. For example Profit Monthly Comparison uses the “Profit” part format with the “Monthly” column headings, whereas Profit Actuals for rolling 12 Months has the same part format, but uses the “12 Months Actual” headings

The Department Profit and Loss reports list up to ten departments in columnar format (as opposed to one per page), allowing for easy comparison of performance across departments. These can be run for active departments, active departments with a nominated classification, active departments in a nominated group, or departments that are highlighted in the Department list. In this context, "active" means a department for which a transaction has been posted (or, if including unposted, has been entered) in the nominated period range for the report.

The best way to see if a report has the information you want is to preview it.