
Importing Tax Rates

In MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre, you can import taxes from a tabbed or comma delimited (CSV) file to create new tax codes or to update the rates on existing codes. The format for importing taxes is fixed as follows, and all fields must be present:

Tax CodeThe new code (maximum of five characters), or the existing code to update.
Tax NameA brief description of the tax.
TypeThe type of tax. Use "S" or sales tax, or "G" or "V" or GST/Value Added taxes.
Rate1The percent rate for the tax to use before the changeover date.
Changeover dateThe date at which Rate2 will be used instead of Rate1.
Rate2 The rate to use for transactions dated on or after the changeover date.

To import tax codes, choose File>Import>Tax Codes/Rates.


  • If a tax code exists, that tax will have its details updated, otherwise a new tax will be created.
  • If there is no changeover date, set the date to today's date and make the two rates the same.
  • Composite taxes cannot be imported.
  • Imported taxes cannot be All Tax.
  • The Tax code is for a different country settings cannot be set or changed by importing.
  • You must be the only user connected to MoneyWorks to import tax rates (the database is locked so other users cannot connect)