
Regex_SearchStr (string, regex)

Result Type: String

Definition:  Returns the matching text in the string for the first match for the given regular expression, or an empty string if there is no match.

Examples:  Regex_SearchStr("Some 45 text 876335 more text", " [0-9]{5}")

returns " 87633"(the regex matches a space followed by at least 5 digits).

Availability:  v9.1 and later.

See Also:

Dice: Get a subcomponent of a delimited tabular string

Head: Get some elements from the start of a delimited string

Left: Get characters from the start of a string

Mid: Get characters from the middle of a string

Regex_GetMatches: Find tokens using a regular expression

Regex_Match: Test whether a string matches a regular expression

Regex_Replace: Replace text in a string using a regular expression

Regex_Search: Find the first match of a regular expression in a string

RemoveLeading: Remove characters from the start of a string

RemoveTrailing: Remove characters from the end of a string

Replace: Replace matching text in a string with new text

Right: Get characters from the end of a string

Slice: Get a component of a delimited string

Tail: Get some elements from the end of a delimited string

Trim: Remove whitespace from beginning and end of a string