
GetListHandle (windowRef, listName)

Get the named list (prior to MoneyWorks 8, the name is the name in the tab that the list is embedded in (e.g. "By Account", "Payment on Invoice", ...). If the requested list is not visible, return value is a NULL handle. Otherwise the returned list handle can be used in the list accessor functions. When used with a tab name, this function will only work for the transaction detail lists.

From MoneyWorks 8, the listName parameter can be the symbolic ID of the list object. In this usage, any list handle may be obtained (for standard or custom windows).

See Also:

AddListLine: Add a row to an editable list

DeleteListLine: Delete a row from an editable list

EnterCell: A cell in an editable list has just gained focus

ExchangeListRows: Swap rows in an editable list

ExitedCell: A cell in an editable list has just lost focus

GetActiveListColumn: Get the column number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetActiveListRow: Get the row number of an edit list that has keyboard focus

GetListField: Get the text of an editable list field

GetListLineCount: Get number of rows in a list

GetListName: Selected tab name for Transaction entry details list

MergeOrderLines: Merge order lines (opposite of SplitOrderLines)

SetListField: Set the text of an editable list field

SortListByColumn: Sort an editable list by a column

SplitOrderLine: Duplicate a line item on an order, splitting the order qty (for serial entry)

ValidateCell: Control whether the content of a cell is acceptable and the cell can be exited