
AppendColumnToStdEditList (listHandle, columnFieldName, columnDefinition)

Result Type:  none

Definition:  Call from a TweakColumnList handler to append a custom column to a standard edit list. Pass the list handle that is provided to the TweakColumnList handler. The columnFieldName may be the name of a script-mutable field of the appropriate table (either Details or JobSheet), or it can be a "tagged field" using a short name of your choice prepended by an underscore. Such fields are automatically stored in the TaggedText field of the record. The columnDefinition defines the column heading, width in points and alignment of the column (using the same notation is for InsertEditListObject)


on TweakColumnList:F_TRANS(win, list)
    AppendColumnToStdEditList(list, "Detail.Custom1", "Cust1|40|L")
    AppendColumnToStdEditList(list, "_myfield", "Mine|60|L")

Availability:  available within MWScript handlers in v9 and later. Use only from a TweakColumnList handler.

See Also:

TweakColumnList: Use to add custom columns to a standard editable list.