MoneyWorks 7.2 March 2015
- Fixed crash caused by long analysis filenames.
- Housekeeping Navigator panel now has a heading for the data section.
- Updated BAS guide for Australia (for 49% tax withheld).
- Transaction.Flag is now included in fulltext search.
- Bank account next payment reference number now enforces field length on entry.
- Updated 1099 Form: incorrect instructions on form.
- Updated Trial Balance report: Not printing detail.description correctly.
- Changing view in Jobsheet list now clears the search box.
- Exporting item records: Buy price field is now actual last buy price (used to be base currency stock unit cost price).
- New script function ImportImage(tablename, key, path)
- tablename is “transaction” or “product”
- key is sequencenumber for a transaction or product code for a product
- path is the filesystem path to the image file to import and attach to the record
- Authenticate(user, password, privilege) function now tests privileges for the requested user, rather than the currently logged-in user.
- Deposits on Order: fixed a rounding issue.
- Fixed Debtor Terms display (if added via custom column) in Names list (was not displaying as signed on high latency connection).
- Batch Creditor Payments: Fixed Outstanding column display on high latency connection.
- Updated Job Detailed report.
- Updated Reorder list report.
- MWScript: Fixed crash on reference to uninstantiated array.
- MWScript: Fixed crash when executing DoForm() followed by External().
- Sanitise filenames for temp files that use window title as a base (caused, e.g., print to Excel to fail for windows with a script indicator in title)..
- Find related Job from Accounts list: fixed crash.
- Deleting departmentalised account: merge window on Windows now shows department options.
- Additional MoneyWorks Nowâ„¢ support.
- Upload All plugins no longer removes the Pictures folders on the server.