
Remote Warehousing

MoneyWorksGo Remote Warehouse

Remote Warehousing is MoneyWorks Service that enables warehousing data to be submitted from the MoneyWorks Go app for iPhone/iPad (or other compliant third party systems). This gives you hand-held scanners to facilitate order fulfilment and warehouse management. It provides the following following functions:

  • Inwards Goods: Receipting of inwards goods into a location, and the automatic updating of the original PO in MoneyWorks with the receipted quantities (and and serial/batch numbers);
  • Outwards Goods: Picking of a released sales order. When a MoneyWorks sales order is released, it can be retrieved by a device and the picked quantities (with any serial/batch numbers) entered. When picking is complete the picked data is sent back to MoneyWorks and the sales order automatically updated.
  • Stock Transfers: Transferring of stock between locations;
  • Stock Requisitions: Requisitioning an item for a nominated job. The item is removed from stock and entered into the MoneyWorks job system ready for invoicing.
  • Stocktake: Stocktake information is uploaded to the device and the stock counts can be scanned or entered. Upon completion the stocktake counts (including serial/batch numbers) are uploaded to MoneyWorks.