MoneyWorks Manual
Printing Invoices, Receipts and other Transaction Forms
You can print any MoneyWorks transaction (except a journal) as an accounting form (invoice, purchase order etc).
- In the Transaction list, highlight the transactions to print
For invoices only, a printer icon appears in the P (for printed) column after they have been printed. Sorting this column in descending order will show unprinted invoices first.
- Choose Command>Print “Form” or press Ctrl-[/⌘-[ or click the «Form» toolbar button («Form» will be Statement, Invoice etc, depending on the list)
The Print configuration window will be displayed. The heading in this dialog box will also reflect the type of transactions that are being printed—in this case, a quote for a sales order.

- Choose the desired form from the Use Form pop-up menu
For a discussion of the options on this window —see emailing Invoices, Orders and Statements. Only the “Plain” forms can be saved as text file.
Note: Apart from the “Plain” forms, MoneyWorks does not distinguish between individual transaction form types (cash receipts and invoices for example). It is up to the operator to choose the right form, unless the form itself is sufficiently “smart” to determine what sort of transaction it is printing1. However each transaction view will remember its default form.
Note: A “Plain” invoice is a basically a report created using the report writer that is stored in the Invoices folder in the Plain folder inside the MoneyWorks Custom Plug-ins folder.
If this is the first time you have printed this form...
If this is the first time you have printed this particular form, or if you have changed printers since you last printed it, you will need to check the paper size and positioning of the form.
- If this is the first time you have printed this form on this printer, click the Layout button
For further information see Setting the Form Size.
- Click Print or Preview to continue
1 To find out just how awesomely smart MoneyWorks custom forms can be see Forms Designer. ↩