How can I send emails via Office365’s SMTP server?

It is possible to email directly via mail server from MoneyWorks using SMTP for Office365.

SMTP information is as follows:

  1. SMTP Server:
  2. Port: 587
  3. Encryption method: TLS

Go to Edit > MoneyWorks Preferences > Emailing

Set the server name to

Tick on Use Authentication checkbox and enter your Office365 mail username and password.

Click on OK.

You should be ready to email directly from MoneyWorks now.

2FA and OAuth

As of 2022, Microsoft is beginning to disable standard SMTP authorisation by default in favour of 2FA and OAuth. However SMTP Login auth is not going away. However, you may need to re-enable SMTP Login Auth for the account/mailbox that you wish to send from. See the following Microsoft documents for further information:

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