Improvements to stock location system and lots of bug fixes
17 July 2017
- Fixed random resetting of some app preferences on Windows
- Stock by location: Product Inventory tab now displays quantities by location (including the default location)
- Inventory Batch Chooser now adjusts display batch SOH by the batch quantity already allocated on the sale to prevent accidental allocation of the same batch twice
- Stock By Location report added option to show values
- Fixed SOH display for current location for sales order on Datacentre
- Product entry screen now updates SOH live without having to reopen the product window
- Changes to support the lack of lexical ordering of directories in the upcoming new APFS file system in macOS High Sierra
- Improve Avoid Weekends behaviour for recurring transactions
- Fixed truncation of long Job customer order numbers
- Updated Statement of cash flow report
- Removed a spurious error log entry when control characters are cleaned from fields during transmogrification
- Product entry window resource leak fixed
- Product entry window BOM totals now displayed correctly
- Product entry window intermittent crash on open fixed
- Product entry now remebers preferred tab even if you close by cancelling or close box
- No longer try to print invoice when processing of order is cancelled
- Process Order dialog cosmetic fix (truncated text on Mac)
- Fixed CLI crash when opening a moneyworks://now URL that contains a document anme that does not exist on the server
- Fixed potential crash when a remote Save is requested while the current field requires validation against the database
- Fixed Preview window occasionally failing to display on Mac
- Fixed intermittent failure of some intrinsic functions (such as GetBalance) in serverside reports
- Cosmetic navigator fix (Windows)
- Cosmetic Job entry fix (visibility of “%” label next to Billing not always correct)
- Fixed crash when executing serverside transaction import involving an invoice “recall”
- Fixed cursor adjustment issues making mouse tracking flaky on some UI elements on Sierra
- Build Serialised Item: Journal now posts if one of the items is not inventoried
- Fix potential server crash when deleting all line items from an order
- Import() function with XML input was not returning an error properly when the import ran on the server
- Fixed server crash when attempting to delete a category
- Improvements to MWNow upload whitelist filtering
- Changed message for opening a new period when entering a transaction and max periods are open
- Fixed a buffer overflow crash in the Plain statement
- Duplicating a product with per-location stock no longer temporarily displays the source product location stock holdings
- Buffer overflow prevention on location store
- GetPersistent() function now provides sequence number and last modified time
- Fixed potential crash when atempting to access non-existent files (Mac)
- Edit Custom Validation for stock location no longer leaves a spurious edit field behind
- GetListHandle(): Restores the NULL-return behaviour when called for in unselected tab name in transaction entry window