Version 7.0; August 2013
These notes pertain to MoneyWorks Gold and Datacentre (although many items also apply to Express and Cashbook).
- Faster—Operation on slow (high latency) networks is now much faster, and large document performance is also improved.
Access your MoneyWorks Datacentre over the internet. Cloud services: not just for web browsers.
- Easy full-text search—The new search field in the toolbar does a fast asynchronous full-text search (including sticky notes and transaction details).
Finding information is faster and easier than ever.
- Unicode—The full gamut of accented and non-Roman characters can now be entered into the database and are preserved across platforms. Accented characters (including macrons for Māori), special symbols, Chinese, Japanese, Runes, Emojis, etc..
您可以输入中文字符. પણ અને ગુજરાતી
- Scripting—MoneyWorks Gold 7 includes a built-in script editor and compiler for an easy to learn and use scripting language which allows for extensive customisation of application behaviour.
MoneyWorks is now more customisable than ever.
- Stock Counting—Super simple “stock” mode, for those who want a stock count but don’t want the complexity of inventory accounting.
- Full list of other changes
- XML import no longer trims leading and trailing whitespace in fields
- Per-customer discounts are now respected for job sheet entries (with appropriate product pricing mode)
- Navigator cosmetic fixes
- Help and Help on This now go to web-based help
- Network timeout after connection loss due to client sleep is now shorter
- Images for products with punctuation in code are now stored reliably
- Custom report settings: custom controls with same name as std checkbox now set the std option
- Windows commandline client now uses appropriate programdata directory according to the user it is running as
- Fixed a problem with Switch User with a newly created user
- Fixed issues with charts in HTML-formatted reports
- Fixed a Navigator display problem related to previewing reports
- Prevent changing taxcode type back from component to normal
- GST Journal: Now populates account code for composite tax comprised of two GST type taxes (Quebec)
- Duplicate Order: Backorder qty is now being populated
- Current user initials are now cleared when switching to a document that does not have password protection
- Find Related now always defaults to Make Found Set at the start of each session (since this mode is much faster)
- Expression editor window is now resizable
- Expression editor window: added some missing functions to the functions list
- Fixed cosmetic button alignment issue with some OS X versions
- Saving bank reconciliation over slow network is now much faster
- Windows: can now close note window over Batch Debtor Receipts
- Prevent a potential crashing issue when transaction reference number prefs are bad
- Electronic Banking: Re-exporting with different account codes makes an entry in the log file
- Tightened checks for making system header accounts
- Fixed report cell word-wrapping issue on Windows
- Session file creation no longer fails with a disk space error on volumes with certain free-space conditions
- New meta search mnemonics *foundorall, *highlight, *found
- Report Hotlinks of type lixx now work more reliably
- Datacentre: Serverside reporting no longer consumes a concurrent login
- CLI -v is now more verbose
- Filenames containing dots other than the extension separator are now interpreted more reliably
- REST reports list now omits dirs and files beginning with ~
- New list: no longer allows a blank list id
- Datacentre: Custom plugins Upload All now replaces entire plugn folder on server (rather than merging)
- Include Unposted on slow network is now much faster
- ForEach in report no longer terminates prematurely when iterating over text with an empty line
- Date arithmetic in expressions now works properly when adding or subtracting a negative number of days to a date
- Windows update: No longer need to elevate app to install: just runs installer elevated. Note that on XP you MUST turn off the “Protect my computer” checkbox (which actually means “don’t run installer”).
- Closing documents now copes better with unexpected file system errors
- Make/Break Jnls: Check that items are stocked or have COGS acct on entry
- Duplicating Name records is no longer modal
- Modeless entry windows on Mac display dirty indicator in close blob
- New Currency bank account creation no longer suggests a ~ code
- CRC check error now mentions that wrong extension is most likely cause for error on block 0
- Toolbars icons that do not fit in window are now in a chevron menu
- The (unused) AmtPaid field is now set for recurring CR and CP
- All previously hard-coded reports (except GST report) are now fully customisable.
- Time Sheet Entry: By Resource: now populates units field in resultant job sheet items
- Future-dating an order no longer attempts to open periods up to the date
- CLI plugin download now completely replaces old plugins cache (instead of merging)
- Standard Reports now feature explicit privilege control (so do not need to be signed)
- Datacentre now supports up to 30 simultaneously open documents without special configuration
- Create New Product during stocktake: StockTakeValue now set to costprice
- Bank Reconcile – Other (non Bank account) no longer shows Orders
- Change GL Account Code now updates associated Auto Allocation Rules
- Importing Accounts: No longer allows incorrect tax code for Bank Accounts
- Product sell units in Express can now use the full field length
- Detail Line Items List: “Product Lines” view is now “Item Lines”
- Stock Creation/Writeoff Jnls: No longer complain if contra is SA or CS account
- Job Sheet Entry: Account Code field now modifiable
- Serverside reports run on Windows server: autoscale works more reliably
- Windows console now tests component versions to detect failed updated
- Log list has a search box field
- Duplicating a banking journal retains the banking flag on
- Return Refund to Debtor window is now resizable
- Report Editor: Making a report part a Running Header no longer sets all preceding report parts to running header
- Script function: SetExchangeRate(currency, date, period, newRate)
- Script functions SetPersistent/GetPersistent
- Script function: GetMutex/ReleaseMutex
- Receive Refund from Creditor/Return refund to debtor: Left hand column show theirref/ourref
- Toolbar Print icon renamed to List (indicating that it Prints the List)
- Server side reporting now supports very long running reports without risking network timeout
- Stock Counting (without full inventory)
- Can switch between Find (by field) and Advanced Find on the fly
- Transaction Get Info Amt Owing is now displays cents
- FieldLabel() function: for extracting custom field names
- SetColumnWidth(“COLN”, points) can change a custom report columnwidth (from the setup script)
- All list sidebars now scrollable if necessary
- SumSelection can take a selection variable as second parameter
- Report controls: Invis selection variable retains sort order, even after passing through an expression
- Print dialog displays indicator that report will (attempt to) run on server
- REST server: option to transform GET to POST, for stupid useragents (FM, looking at you)
- Treat Job Related Income as Pre-payments setting moved to preferences
- New User2 file with more fields for script use
- Analysis reports can now run on the server
- XML import now capitalises codes
- Right-click on toolbar icon now waits for mouseup before executing command
- Import Products: COGS Acct no longer required to be EX
- DisplaySelection(sel) script function
- Detail: f_no_stock_effect set more consistently
- “Other” item class
- Script Function to display sticky note
- XML Name import with update now works
- Report custom controls: #PER result is now numeric type
- Improved log rotation
- Increased maximum number of parts in a report to 1753 (long story)
- Windows PDF generation now more tolerant of OpenType fonts
- Name.taxnumber: now available in transaction import
- Aged Debtors/Creditors reports now more tolerant of incorrectly coded Head-office/branch relationships
- Serverside reports for output modes other than Preview
- Save report as HTML to a remote citrix volume is now much faster
- Transaction Hold checkbox now requires Pricing and Terms override privilege
- Authenticate(user, password) function
- Build product no longer requires parts to be in stock
- Report Writer: Accounts of Type “GST Received” had wrong search
- Unicode() function to get unicode codepoint of character
- Load Bank Statement: Now autoreconciles existing transactions that match incoming skipped transactions
- Don’t allow opening documents in read-only directories (since it causes pain when changes need to be saved)
- New path variables for POSIX paths on Mac
- Account importing no longer mangles comments
- Custom form testing less crashy when no database is open
- Login.permissions encoding has changed
- File opening now attempts to reduce fragmentation of the temp working file by pre-setting the length
- File opening now pre-caches data blocks more effectively for a snappier startup with large files
- User definable labels on address fields in name entry screen (modifiable from scripts)
- XMLl importing – detail field work-it-out and calculations work properly for multi-line transactions
- Scripting: can now trap entry to fields (using MWScript only)
- Bank reconciliation is now much snappier when running over a slow network
- Posting is now done on the server and therefore much faster when on a slow network
- Accountants Export can now be emailed via direct SMTP emailing (now has dialog box for addressing and message)
- Report Designer – Now changes font settings in cells when modifying a range of parts
- Fixed issues with very large autofill caches
- Find Related from some transaction views was omitting Detail Line Items as an option
- Auto complete popup now sized better on Windows
- Sales Enquiry Movements list no longer shows Debtor Receipts
- DatePaid Field: No longer set on transactions generated by the job system
- Fixed a bug in Batch Debtor Receipts that allowed previous overpayment amount to be changed
- Changing Department Code now updates JobSheet items
- Report Cell dialog on Windows: Ctrl key no longer acts as Alt
- Overdue credit notes no longer generate overdue invoice warning for debtors
- Custom script invocation from toolbars
- Helper Script hooks for before and after posting
- Custom column sorting now works with column calculations that use functions that take search strings
- Item importing: “Update if Exists” no longer truncates description
- Report Writer: new custom control type “radio”
- New option to clear locally cached custom plugins folder when logged in to Datacentre (select Custom Reports in Index to Reports)
- Fixed a potential crasher in HTML report export
- Auto insert Salesperson field with custom validation could erroneously insert into ourref: fixed
- Fixed crasher when canceling Return Cheque to Debtor on HO/Parent
- Pasting XML now displays import progress
- Transaction list does now retains scroll position across posting when Windows-stye focus rect is displayed
- Expression optimiser was converting = to <>
- REST import now reporting imported count for memo file import
- Fixed verbose logging crash in REST HTTP server when logging POST data > 32K
- Function Left(x, negativecount) now returns empty string
- Fixed potential crasher when cancel Duplicate Transaction (at the refnum Ask dialog)
- Log file: now records app version on new file creation
- Invoice printing with “Plain” invoice was randomly failing to set printed flag
- Reports: Floating Accounts now work correctly on Balance Sheet when printing Condensed
- XML Import: transaction.specialbank now enforces field length
- Fixed a resource leak on Windows
- Fixed a potential crash with a malformed Applescript export request
- No longer pad NZ bank account numbers to 8 digits on entry