What’s New in MoneyWorks 8

MoneyWorks 8 is a major upgrade, packed with a host of requested features. It gives you more control, greater flexibility and makes it even faster to work with the data you need.

New features common to all MoneyWorks products

We've added major features across all MoneyWorks products.

Unlimited Contacts
Serial number tracking

Keep as many contacts as you want per organisation.

Smarter Allocations
Smarter auto-allocations

Automatically coding bank statements and transactions is more precise.

More and bigger fields
More fields

More and longer fields for storing extra customer, product, job, and transaction information.


  • Separate colour naming per table (i.e. transaction colour names can be different from account, names etc).
  • Improved support for HiDPI (high resolution) displays on Windows
  • Better Dropbox support for automatic off-site backups.
  • More standard reports
  • Customise/personalise your emails with mail merge when using smtp emailing
  • Creation of emails in Outlook on Windows is faster: messages with signatures now appear in your outbox instead of in a new window
  • Smaller files (existing files shrink in size by 15-50%)

New features in MoneyWorks Express/Gold/Datacentre.

As well as all the enhancements above, now your forms capability just got better.

Enhanced Forms Design
Form sections

Sections and revamped list sizing make for better forms.

New features in MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre.

We've also added power features to MoneyWorks Gold/Datacentre, and extended the already impressive ability to customise and to integrate with other systems.

Serial/Batch Tracking
Serial number tracking

Track item serial and batch numbers.

Enhanced security
GL secutiry levels

User roles and account security levels.

Bigly customisable
Window Builder

Add your own custom windows and lists to handle operations that are unique to your business.


  • Location tracking: Track stock by location, with or without serial/batch tracking. There is no effective limit on the number of stock locations you can define.
  • User roles: Users can now have their privileges set by roles. This makes it easier to manage the privileges for large numbers of users.
  • Dashboard calendar: Calendar to help you manage and plan, with separate calendars for company and each user, plus user definable calendars (e.g. for meeting room booking)
  • Departmental reconciliation: The Bank Reconciliation can now be used to reconcile arbitrary departmentalised accounts.
  • Timesheet Entry: Can now be used to enter budgets, serial numbers and locations.
  • Credit terms: Can be more than 127 days.
  • Powerful new scripting capabilities: Including support for file handling, CURL, BASE64 and the new MoneyWorks custom windows.

New features in MoneyWorks Datacentre.

Significant speed improvements for these operations when operating over a high latency network (i.e. an internet connection or bad WiFi network):

  • Stocktake
  • Changes to chart of accounts structure
  • Timesheet entry
  • Bank statement auto-coding
  • Reports with breakdown settings


  • Backups and archives can be directed to a Dropbox or OneDrive folder, for automatic off-site backups.
  • Console now displays expiry dates for SSL certificates.
  • REST server now supports HTTP/1.1 for faster processing.

System requirements

Please note that Snow Leopard on Mac and XP/Vista on Windows are no longer supported.

  • Mac 10.7 Lion or later required. 10.11 El Capitan or later recommended
  • Windows Windows 7 or later required. Windows 10 recommended

For more detailed requirements please see Systems Requirements.

Change Notes

For more detailed information on changes in MoneyWorks 8, see the change notes

As you would expect with MoneyWorks

Upgrading is easy

MoneyWorks 8 will automatically convert MoneyWorks 7 files into the new file format and archive the old file.

Upgrade now

As you would expect with MoneyWorks

Upgrading is easy

MoneyWorks 8 will automatically convert MoneyWorks 7 files into the new file format and archive the old file.

Upgrade now

Unlimited Contacts

Now you can have unlimited customer and supplier contacts

  • Create as many contacts as you need per name record.
  • Each contact has its own name and contact details (phone, email etc).
  • Up to 16 user-definable roles.
  • Email any contact identified by role.

Serial and Batch Tracking

MoneyWorks Gold now includes the ability to track serial and batch numbers

  • Inventoried items can be flagged to require a serial or batch number.
  • Batch numbers can be set as expiring.
  • Serial/batch numbers can be up to 31 characters long
  • Serial/batch numbers can be tracked by location.

Smarter Auto-allocations

Auto-allocation rules now allow more complex tests against memo, payee, amount and the bank account, and the split can be a a combination of percentage and absolute amounts among up to 4 accounts.

Create rules that allocate receipts/payments to receivables/payables to pay invoices.

You can have a general auto-pay-invoice rule that intelligently identifies whether a receipt is for an invoice and allocates it for you (based on customer code or invoice number in the statement details).

More and longer fields

We've added more fields, and lengthened many existing ones, allowing you to store more information.

  • Category fields are now 15 characters.
  • Product codes lengthened to 31 characters.
  • Tax code lengthened to 5 characters.
  • New 15 character custom fields in:
    • Names
    • Products
    • Jobs
  • More user fields in transactions.

In MoneyWorks Gold only:

  • New fields in accounts for cash flow statements and forecasting.
  • New 255 character memo field in bills of material.
  • Serial number, date and location fields on detail lines and job sheets.
  • Security level fields in accounts and transactions.

For use in scripting to customise MoneyWorks Gold:

  • New fields in persistents (user2).
  • New UserNum and UserText fields in most tables.
  • Special taggedText fields to most tables.
  • New "Approved by" fields in transactions.

And the amazing thing is that, despite increasing the field length and adding more fields, your Moneyworks 8 file will be 10-15% smaller than your existing MoneyWorks 7 files!

Security levels protect sensitive information

General ledger security levels provide added protection to sensitive information (such as payroll transactions).

  • Each general ledger account can be assigned a security level.
  • Each user can be assigned a security level.
  • Users cannot see accounts unless they have the required security level.
  • Users cannot see transactions that have stricter security

Window (User Interface) builder.

The new MoneyWorks window builder allows you to create new list views, entry windows and alerts, and even add new fields to some existing entry windows.

  • Create custom windows to streamline your workflow.
  • Use webviews to display data from websites, or access clever web-based analytical tools such as google charts.
  • Display data within MoneyWorks from other sources, such as SQL databases.
  • Use "overlays", to extend transaction entry windows.

These windows can be fully controlled (open, closed, field validations etc) using MoneyWorks scripts.

Better forms designer

Major improvements to the forms designer include multipage forms with different formats using sections, and smarter list resizing.

  • Add pages with different layouts using sections.
  • When printed or PDFed, sections are collated together.
  • Sections can each have their own copies calculations, allowing (for example) a Terms and Conditions section to be automatically printed the first time a customer is invoiced.
  • Lists can have different top and bottom positions on the first and last pages, reducing waste space.
  • The option of sorting list contents by one or two fields is now augmented by an option to sort by a formula.
  • List headings can be vertically centred and contain <<merge text>>
  • Lists can now be based on calculated tabular text data.
  • Page visibility attributes are accessible from the forms designer sidebar.
  • Forms are auto-saved as you work, reducing the possibility of lost work through a computer crash.