Change History for 8.1.7

New features and bug fixes
3 July 2019

  • Adopt “Hardened Runtime” on macOS (required for notarisation). Mac users please note that further changes will be required for Catalina compatibility, especially for Datacentre. Catalina is not due out until October, but we’re taking this opportunity to advise you not to install macOS Catalina without first checking on our website for MoneyWorks compatibility
  • Mac installers notarised for Gatekeeper on macOS Mojave and later
  • SMTP password in App preferences may now be up to 255 characters (allowing for SMTP passwords that are actually API keys)
  • Support for RBC QFX bank statement format, which has excessive whitespace
  • Bill-of-Materials report: Updated to include Memo
  • Job Sheet Memo now allows 1020 characters (up from 255)
  • Job Sheet Activity code now allows 31 characters (up from 9)
  • Transaction importing now supports separate descriptions for hard-coded detail lines in the import map (first line was getting blank)
  • Transaction importing now flags empty tax code as an error
  • Fixed garbage in account name when order processing unbilled account choices is cancelled (cosmetic)
  • Units field can now display all characters of 5-char units
  • Stepping through Creditor Partial Payment dialog now reselects text in the pay amount field
  • Fixed PDF manual failing to install on Windows
  • Fixed screen refresh failing in the Navigator and when switching between SOH and Avail display in a Sales Order (bug in macOS Mojave 10.14.4+)
  • Duplicating a transaction now clears the emailed field in the duplicate
  • Fixed typo in the post-Windows-upgrade registry repair alert
  • Cashbook: NZ GST Guide now included again
  • Transfer Funds: reference number no longer double increments
  • Fixed potential crash in bank statement import auto-coding
  • Support for Append Salesperson in Deposit products
  • Fixed overlaying of cells on a report heading part that is non-blank. The cells now properly overlay the heading text, rather than obliterating it.
  • Duplicating a user now clears the duplicate’s email address
  • Printing lists to email now remembers last Subject instead of taking it from the report title
  • Stock Valuation Report: Apply unit conversion to replacement value calculation
  • Trial Balance to Date Report: Exclude prior period balance for first period of a financial year
  • Bill Job: Separate department of miscellaneous items account when carrying forward unbilled balance
  • Slightly inexact zero stock values and quantities (due to rounding) are now clamped to zero on posting
  • Diagnostic correction to inexactly zero stock values

MoneyWorks Now clients

  • Failover to backup login gateway server now happens more quickly

Datacentre server

  • Serverside analysis with ask for search code now works
  • Datacentre subscription now autodetects an increase in the number of concurrent users for the subscription
  • Further fix to PostedBy for serverside posting (was sometimes getting blank)
  • Fixed a problem with DC service crashing when the TCP port of a previously crashed data server is reused
  • Improved stability and resilience of REST API server. This should eliminate spurious “Too many concurrent connections to server” errors.
  • Improved stale client disconnect behaviour
  • Datacentre REST URLs may now have a ? instead of a / to delimit parameters from endpoints
  • Security improvements


  • New Regex_Replace function, replaces text in a string that matches a regular expression.
  • New Regex_Match function, returns a boolean indicating if a string fully matches a regular expression.
  • New Script hook for custom SMTP implementation: SendSMTPMail handler can be used to override default SMTP emailing behaviour with a custom MWScript implementation (using curl; see this article on the Developer pages for an example)
  • New Added DateFormRFC2822 time format (primarily because it is needed for SMTP)
  • Increased maximum number of parameters to a function and fixed crash when maximum is exceeded
  • Fixed buffer overflow in the GetAppPreference function for over-long replyTo
  • The PostedTransactions handler now runs asynchronously (scheduled on main event loop) to prevent scripts from creating a deadlock when transactions are posted as part of another operation (such as cancelling transactions or order processing)
  • Fixed potential crash on Windows when script sets serial number in journal entry
  • foreach in textfile no longer strips tabs (or other non-newline control characters) from the end of lines
  • SetListContents now checks type of second parameter (eliminating crash if non-text type passed)
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