Change History for 9.1.9

18 Sep

  • Support for OAUTH2 authentication for Microsoft 365 mail servers
  • Budget and moving average overlay options for the dashboard Ledger chart
  • Sales Explorer Dashboard chart; explore top sales with cross-filtering
  • Columnar departmental P&L reports
  • Ledger analysis omission of zero lines now respects budgets
  • Ledger analysis auto zero omission supports include unposted
  • Fixed saving of new Ledger analysis reports
  • Optimised list searches in custom forms
  • Windows updates now run in silent mode instead of presenting an installer UI. This because Windows insists on putting the installer in the background, which makes the update process a bit confusing
  • Reinstated ability to use Replace on salesperson field for journals
  • Bill-of-materials report now supports BOM depth > 4
  • Custom Forms designer list options editor; fixed inability to change from calculated row count mode once selected
  • Account importer no longer uppercases Category2-4
  • Hot links in custom navigator or report can now more reliably select a view name
  • Custom reports can now access the stickies table
  • Subsummary by group now looks up the group name for the description
  • Check transaction SecurityLevel when drilling down in detail list or account enquiry
  • Report editor now calculates appropriate scaled page width when first opening a report/li>
  • Report editor part and cell editors no longer display out of scope for loop idents/li>
  • Details printout for products now includes location/batch, if present
  • Improved parameter navigation (⌘-→/Alt-→) in the report and form editor expression editing dialog
  • Commission Report
  • Crash with malformed XML import
  • Store Overpayment type preference per-user on Datacentre
  • Form searches now work with selections created with CreateSelection
  • Fixed issues with duplicated identifiers in expression editor dialog in custom forms
  • Import acct-dept with update no longer truncates descriptions at a comma. Note that comma is still used to delimit a department name when importing a new acct-dept
  • Changing report font/size app preferences is now reflected immediately by Show Movements in a report
  • Import tax codes/rates
  • Change tax code (updates all existing records to use the changed code)


  • Changed the Pictures backup mode to put pictures into a separate backup file if you select not to back up pictures every time a file closes. This can greatly reduce the CPU and storage overhead for pictures backups
  • The separate pictures backup is now once every 1-5 days instead of a particular day of the week
  • CLI bulk backup restore now understands the new pictures backup system
  • CLI bulk backup restore no longer incorrectly changes the file type of folder.conf files
  • Server no longer panics if a client makes a corrupted search request
  • Server logs requests that take longer than 2 seconds
  • Optionally skip socket ssl_shutdown


  • Script Editor autocomplete now includes parameter lists for builtin functions and standard handlers, and also an extra information variant that also displays the function’s documentation
  • Script Editor now supports ⌘-→/Ctrl-Alt-→ for selecting next parameter in a function template, which is useful now that the autocomplete can provide the full parameter list
  • Script Editor now supports Alt-shift-arrows for extending the selection by a word
  • File_Open function for writing with no supplied file name now offers a choice of textual file types, including one that does not force any file extension
  • Analyse function now supports discount and margin % output
  • Analyse function now sanitises description output to remove any stray control characters that would mess up the formatting
  • Fixed crash evaluating the Alert function in CLI mode. It now maps to syslog
  • Alert function no longer shows help button when a timeout is set
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