MoneyWorks support
Where do I find my serial number
From version 6 onward – open Moneyworks and select Help – Enter serial. In previous versions you will find your registration number by opening the software and selecting, in Windows, Help – About MoneyWorks; on a Mac, MoneyWorks Gold/Express/Cashbook – … Continue reading
How do I look up the description of a Category when using Subsummary by category
Subsummaries provide a quick and easy way to create summarised reports. In an account range part (such as Find Accounts) where a subsummary is applied (either locally, or for the report as a whole), The Account.fieldName notation cannot be used … Continue reading
Insert Disk Message on Windows
There have been instances MoneyWorks 6 on Windows where MoneyWorks appears to open and run, but when people try to do something they get a message along the lines of: “Please insert the disk <<some removeable disk>>”. We do not know … Continue reading
How can I send email via an SMTP server that requires TLS on Windows
this post is obsolete see: Using Gmail SMTP Using Office365 SMTP Using SendSMTPMail As of v7.1.8, MoneyWorks includes the sendEmail tool as part of the standard install, so TLS support is available on Windows (as well as Mac) out of … Continue reading
How do I open more than one document at once?
That depends on what platform you are on. First of all, on both Mac and Windows, you will need to turn on the Multiple Instances preference (this is under the Documents tab in the MoneyWorks Preferences dialog box). This is … Continue reading
Introducing MoneyWorks 7: The fastest just got faster
MoneyWorks 7 was first released in August 2013—these release notes are preserved for posterity With many significant new capabilities and extensive work “under the hood”, MoneyWorks 7 is both faster and easier to use. Upgrade now Faster, easier full-text … Continue reading
Where is the “Flag” (or Analysis or Salesperson etc) field?
Click on the Views control at the top of the transaction entry screen and select the fields you want displayed. If you don’t want to tab into a field each time, you can turn off its tabbing property. Simply right-click … Continue reading
What do I do if I have opened periods into the future?
You’ll just have to live with these, as there is no way that future periods can be closed. However provided you are using version 3 of MoneyWorks or CashWorks these should not cause any inconvenience, as the default period for … Continue reading
Why can’t I enter a transaction into the period I want?
You will not be able to enter into a period if it is locked or closed (check using the Open/Close period command in the Command menu). If the period is locked, you need merely unlock it. If the period is … Continue reading
Why can’t I close a period?
The most likely reason that you cannot close a period is because there are unposted transactions in the period. You need to post (or delete) these transactions. The easiest way to find these is to go into your Unposted view … Continue reading