How do I look up the description of a Category when using Subsummary by category

Subsummaries provide a quick and easy way to create summarised reports.

In an account range part (such as Find Accounts) where a subsummary is applied (either locally, or for the report as a whole), The Account.fieldName notation cannot be used to access values (because accounts have been consolidated by the Subsummary). If you which to access the current subsummary code value being output, use the SubSummaryScopeCode variable.

E.g. If the Subsummary is consolidating by Category, and you want a cell to look up the category description, use:


Actually, for Category, the lookup is not necessary, because there is also a SubSummaryScopeDesc variable which already contains the description. You can just use that. If you were summarising on something else (such as Category2) that does not have a natural relationship with a description, then you would need to do the Lookup as above.

=lookup(“C”+account.category,”general.description”) will not work.

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